Special Needs Students and IEP's

When it comes to serving students with special needs, not just any driver will do. Buckeye Logistics & Transit drivers are experienced and compassionate. We take the safety and well-being of your students to heart.


McKinney-Vento, ESSA, & Homeless

Every student should have the opportunity for an education.  We will help provide transportation for all of your McKinney-Vento students whether they live inside or outside of your district.


Out of District Transportation and NPS

We understand that your students may have unique needs requiring them to attend schools outside of your district.  We will make sure that these transportation needs are taken care of in a manner that ensures a quality experience for your students.


Non-Public Schools Transportation

Not a public school? Don’t have a federal budget to support your transportation needs?  Don’t worry, we got your back.  Just let us know your transportation needs and we assure you that we’ll devise a plan you’ll love in no time.

How We Can Help You

We have a lot more to share with you!

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